mobile scooter
The love & support of my amazing husband
Walking 3-5 miles s day
As much sleep as I can cram in
Taking care of mental health as well as physical health.
My family is supportive and understanding.
Eating less carbohydrates and weight loss improved my breathing capacity (somehow).
Humour is sometimes the best medecine!
Listening to my body's symptoms: If I feel numbness or tingling, I try to stop whatever is causing it right away.
Wear ankle braces every night
Thinking positive
Exercise as much as you can!
Good shoes that fit well
My pets, music, TV shows and movies make life better
Mi mamá me está dando un jarabe con complejo vitaminico B. Posiblemente ayude a reducir los problemas con el sistema nervioso
natural foods only
Lots of stretching and light exercises
Je suis entourée d'une bonne équipe médicale
Staying mentally positive
Getting enough water and sleep.
Talking to people in general
Having someone to talk to who knows about your condition is helpful
Staying connected with friends
My love of nature
Dieting cutting out the junk food was a major lift in the fatigue department.
Suregry including sub-Talar fusions and a triple arthrodesis
la jalea real me ayudo
I've started a gluten free diet.
My children are very understanding
Family and friends
Knowing when to use my wheelchair and stop overexerting myself
Participating in things outside of my school
He wears Allard AFOS.
Walking stick
Friends with CMT
8 surgeries
Electric acupuncture has helped rebuild some muscle in my calf
New job that I’m good at
Joining Facebook groups for CMT helps connect us for sharing information, stories, and support.
mental exception, do what you feel you need not what others think you need, prepare for financial Independence to get physical assistance to get or do what you'll need later in life
Support of wife and daughter
I have good family
tento levar uma vida normal
Changing medicines in hopes of feeling better