did an elimination diet to figure out what I can handle and stick to the diet pretty strictly.
Near Infrared (NIR) lamp (patio heater from eBay!) - 2 x 40min sessions per day
Adrenal cocktail (OJ+Himalayan Salt+Cream of tartar)
Doctor specialising in ME/CFS: Pharmaceuticals: Inderal, ( headache prevention & blood pressure regulation) low Dose Naltrexone (for pain),
a deep spiritual life
Low dose naltrexone
Change in diet: Eating a "cooling" diet as prescribed by Dr Ahvie Herskowitz
Medication Detoxification and naturopathic treatments, allowed my body to heal
Careful pacing stops me from getting worse.
Vit B12 and folinic acid
Nothing - I've tried everything.
Strict pacing. Never pushing through pain.
Deep muscle massage
Pace myself
LDN has helped me sleep
LDN has helped me sleep
BHT was orginally created to treat AIDS, but now is a fat preservative. 8 per day give me a better quaility of life, and less frequent/severe crashes.
B12 injections
sugar, dairy, gluten free
Strict pacing and energy conservation.
Getting off ineffective narcotics and on to nabilone (cesamet)
Pacing! Entstressen und nicht über seine 80% gehen ist das allerwichtigste!
Ginko Biloba - not as exhausted when I wake up and less brain fog
Acceptance of condition.
Low Dose Naltrexone
beach holiday -- vit d overload
Hot Bath Soaks
Vitamin D supplements
Prioritize sleep, take pills if needs to make it work.
Things for NeuroInflammation.
Homeopathic dose of Sinequan (Doxipin) gave me sleep back initial years. Saved me.
Began seeing an Integrated Medicine Specialist that truly understands and is interested in my condition.
Less stress
Low Dose Naltrexone has helped decrease pain and increase energy, but still have pain ~4, and lowww energy.
Carbohydrate reduced diet
low dose naltrexone
weekly acupuncture