Story about CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome .

Life Interrupted

Dec 2, 2

I was infected at 4 years of age from a flea bite, I had serious illnesses all through childhood, uti's, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, extreme anxiety, migraines, fainting, heart palpitations. Then gastric issues became severe at age 17, tests came back negative and I was sent to a psychiatrist. Finally at the age of 21 I was clinically diagnosed with borelliosis and bartonella and antibiotic treatment began with the worst herxing on the planet. A supposed LLMD would not tailor the treatment to my needs and insisted I take strong oral antibiotics which I could not tolerate, continual vomiting and extreme pain., Finally we found a kind , caring doctor who treated me for 2 years with IV antibiotics, and I am recovering. I was wheelchair bound for 2 years, suffered horrible seizures which are now controlled with medication, My appendix and gall bladder are removed, I wear dentures because of years of vomiting and diarrhea. Doctors did not believe the severity of my illness because I was so young. They insisted I was using street drugs to be so ill, mentally compromised and have such bad teeth. I was dying from malnutrition before finally placed on TPN, IV nutrition. My psychiatrist is the first doctor to believe and come alongside me in the struggle with neuroborreliosis. Mentally I am not what I used to be, my life has truly been interrupted by this horrible disease. What made this struggle more horrendous is the disrespect, disbelief and dismissal from physicians who should be helping not denying treatment. The lack of caring, bullying, and derision I have experienced from ignorant doctors, specialists, ER doctors, emt's is nothing short of criminal. I have extreme PTSD due to mistreatment at the hands of the medical community. When my diagnosis was confirmed by a labtest IGENEX, I was happy to have a diagnosis, but then I was in for, and still am, in the fight of my life.  

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