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Rsd.crps 2.

I have Rsd.crps 2. I went into a doctor for help with my trigeminal nuerlagia.  It had flared up that day. My normal doctor was not in. So I went to someone else to get a normal pain shot in the hip where they go. And the doctor and nurse stuck the needle in I freaked. Cried scream felt shocking stabbing burning clear to my toes. I begged for them to stop they said no its normal.  I said no its not. Well they stuck the needle right in my main sciatic nerve. Let alone they didn't dilute the medicine gave me to much. And they fried my sciatic nerve. I walked in and could not walk out. Come to find out after they were not certified to give shots.the damage hit right off. I had use crutches.  I can not sit or lay down. I have to lean over a table cupboard.  Or end of my bed feet always on the floor. As I cnt bend my knee. It caused sciatica.  Sciatic palsy.  Caulsgia. Nueropathy phernly. The damage was instant.  It has been over 11 years now of living like this standing 24 7. Red blue blotchy legs. The crps2 is full body now. And with the crutches it has caused alot of herniated disks. And no one will do surgery on me because I can't lay. And use crutches and it won't heal. I fall alot. Cnt do baths or showers. Going to the bathroom is a joke. In a car I have to lean on my left hip as the damage was on my right. Sciatic nerve. And my left hip is now bad. It is so hard standing 24 7. Feet always on the ground.  It has affected my kids as they were young and still have a 14 yr old who has not had much of a mommy. Who has don things with her. It upsets me that they thought it was ok to give me the shot when they were not certified.  But they are no longer a doctor or a nurse.  My main speacalist is retired now who knew alot about crps. And trying to find another one to get help is hard. I pray for everyone who also has Rsd.crps as I would not wish it upon anyone.  I also have the sores it causes.  I have tried to give up a couple times. Lucky to still be here. But it's hard standing all the time and not being able to lay sit down. I have begged for my legs to be cut off. Can't be touched. Haye it all. We all are warriors dealing with this. I also help in groups for others who need others to talk to.... prayers to all.

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