my daughter pushes me to stay healthy and help me to want to keep living she is my everything.
Role models
You need to take control, dont let the disease control you.
trying a dexcom... so far , so good
Being aware of carb intake and limiting carbs (regularly) and eating foods moderate in good fats and proteins has made control even easier!
My parents support is endless and I am forever grateful
get plenty of rest
support from family
In India ,now whole world excepting The YOGA its Works Like Protein , Vitamins Etc.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Support groups. I have a blog and am an admin in a Facebook support group for Type One Diabetics. Having emotional support can be every bit as important as the medical end of it.
Finding a type of cardio that works for me.
Adding a cgm to identify problem times.
Center chocolate in my purse =)
Eating healthy
Constant glucose monitor.
Answering people's questions about Diabetes who don't quite understand it.
Low carb diet
Going on an insulin pump in 1999.
Manage the disease, don't let it manage you.
Being able to chug a juice box faster than anyone
Teacher aide support
Family and friends support
Getting my first tattoo as a reminder that I survived and that I'm strong, a fighter!
My doctors have my best interest at heart and they never give up on me
Living my life my way, not allowing my diabetes to run it
The insulin pump. It really changed my life
Taking care of myself really feels good.
Better control of my blood glucose levels
My support system, and want to support others to.
My friends
diabetes is a piece of my puzzle, not the whole picture!
Spreading awareness for the disease
Not stressing about imperfect levels
Meals that have a low glycemic load to help avoid the blood sugar spikes that insulin can't keep up with!
I am going to college to become a nurse! Many people i couldn't do it due my diabetes, so it felt like a big achievement when i made it into my first year. I love it (nursing, i mean)!
And Testing
Admitting to my team when I have burn out & dealing with it
Hopefully I won't get fat
Positive mind.
Sharing my Diasend data with diabetic friends :-)
joining the gym
Understanding friends and family
I'm not embarrassed. Just tell people :) and then hit them when they say "is it because you ate too much sugar".
Using an insulin pump
Keeping that delicate balance between getting enough rest and enough physical motion to keep my body from getting too stiff
My daughter, who is seems to be mommy's little helper...she gets in the way most times, but makes me happy all the time.