listening to pump alarms and keeping blood sugars stable as possible
Absolute commitment to doing what I need to do to manage my diabetes.
częste wizyty u diabetologa
2- team of Doctors (not always)
I learned how to be independent.
Bathing in Borax has helped my LS.
Actitud.Analizar muy bien lo que dicen los médicos.Aprender a fondo sobre la enfermedad.
Doing the Waterfall Diet, along with Exercise.
Mon fils est aussi diabétique.
Appreciating that even though my brain isn't perfect, it's still inconceivably complex, beautiful and amazing
The T1D community
Learning how to read a nutrition label allowed me to better dose my insulin- and understand why different foods have different effects on my blood sugar.
accepting help
The fact that I was born in a country (Italy) with such an efficient Health Care System
Do the diet!
Criar um blog par escrever sobre as dificuldades da diabetes
Meeting others with Diabetes
Sharing stories and jokes online with other Type 1s.
Diabetic school-camps, they made me realize that i wasn't alone, and I could confront myself with others with the same condition.
Going on the insulin pump was the best (but most difficult) change I ever made for my diabetes management.
Taking part in type 1 diabetic forums online have helped me a lot, both when my guesting need answers or just in need of support and understanding.
Find other type one diabetics to share your knowledge. In the social media, such as FB, there are lot of great support groups. If there is not, start one for your own area.
Raising four teenage mutant ninja turtles
Insulin pump
El poder de la mente .
Physical activities give you life quality
Keep calm, don't panic and slow down.
9 hand surgeries to help with function
Regular treatment is vital/ Важна регулярность в лечении
My four legged children Pika, Shadow and my granddog Escher
Get active
Avoiding greasy foods has helped with less vomiting.
My Husband
Prayer and meditation
Network, you will feel better knowing you have support.
Supportive family
mi fuerza de voluntad porque yo puedo y voy hacia delante
wanting to live for my children
Moving everyday!
MY SON!!!!
y no tomar mas sodas
Finally getting carb counting under control
You must practice with food to know how to handle it. Keep trying til you get it right.