my family and good friends
Vipassana Meditation
Hot baths and heating pads
Resting when needed
My kids
My dogs
My children, who are my constant encouragement to do everything I can.
Proper rest and self-care.
CBD tincture
Acceptance helped me deal with my situation
Having a Doctor that lets ME be apart of my treatment and listens to what I need.
My 2 dogs
medication and good doctors
My children and dogs keep me going!
Good Physio
Removing chemicals from my home and diet
NMDA inhibitors
I found out that I have severe food intolerances.
Pain management with Low Dose Naltrexone, Lyrica
Keeping Active
Gluten free diet
"Cusack protocol" adding aloe Vera and DE powder
Getting a diagnosis
A doctor who listens, believes and truly wanna help you
IV Rocephin, other abx (Dapsone, Mepron, Doxy) + FMT
Having a great physical therapist
My own Support group on Facebook helps
Knowing the true diagnosis to be able to then get the right
The correct amount of exercise...not over or under doing it.
Not having to work freed up the 2 to 3 hours per day that I can be active to enjoy life.
Stay active and keep fit if you can. Gaining muscle protects your joints. I know everyone is different, Good Luck.
Kitty cuddles
Gluten free since 1997
Acknowledgement of health concerns.
Stop feeling guilty that you can't do what you used to be able to
Actually getting a definitive diagnosis! I just wanted to know WHY certain things were happening. I braced myself for something without a curemany YEARS before I was diagnosed.
Nutrition response testing
Service Dog
Having an amazing doctor who understands and is willing to treat my conditions.
A positive attitude.
My chiropractor makes an immeasurable difference in my quality of life
Staying outta the heat.
knee brace
knee brace