getting at least 7 hours sleep every night.
Stay active. Although the body says to rest, thus can increase pain
My daughter (she is 12 ) and i have EDS type 3 . Even though we are in a lot of pain. We can always find something to laugh about.
Beta blockers for Pots made a huge difference to me
Having an excellent consultant saved my life
Magnesium baths and tablets
A good pain management program. (medicine, water therapy, physical therapy, relaxation techniques)
2 years of gabapentin
Nortriptyline for pain
Physical therapy
My son. Wanting to give him the right tools to fight to be at his side so that he doesn't give up..
A doctor who actually cared and helped
My amazing physiotherapist that is with me through every injury - and helps with prevention
Changing diet non diary and less wheat
Tai Chi and Yoga
Less stress
rest when you need to
Baclofen (muscle relaxant) for muscle spasms/trigger points
Faith in God and understanding from my church family
Drinking water and nothing else but water. Helps me sleep. No soda, no coffee, no alcohol. Just water. Cold, hot and with herbs, like herbal tea.
Sunnaas hospital for rehabilitation
Pace yourself
Letting yourself rest (and not feeling bad about it.)
For me moving makes me feel better. The more I move the less I hurt.
Crutches & knee braces
60mg of Cymbalta every evening
acupuncture has helped me to function better for short periods of time with fewer meds
Keep joints warm
Pain management/Physical Therapy
A good support system
My dogs
Twice daily I take a cocktail of pain meds, this allows me to be functional while not constantly thinking about my pain.
Med rotations
Getting my damn diagnosis and learning how to advocate for myself.
My kitty
My son always makes my days better
Flexeril for muscle spasms
Weekly Osteopathy
My supportive family
Having a diagnosis
Zonisimide changed my life
laying down couple hours a day
Family & friends support system, Canine service animal
Lots of water!!! Stay hydrated!
Ketotifen 2mg 2x/day helped all forms of urticaria tremendously