Acceptance that medical resources are not the answer b/c they just don't know how to help.
Having a supportive network of family and friends.
My intake is miinimal, and TPN is my primary nutrition. Homemade smoothies with fresh or frozen fruit, vanilla yogurt, a little sweetened condensed milk, fresh pressed natural apple juice to thin to desired consistency.
Ketogenic diet, reduced migraines and took some pain away
midodrine (can't live without that stuff!)
Midodrine. puts a floor under my BP, which also reduces overreaction to very high bp.
Drink lots of water
Having other edsers to converse with
Gluten Free and whole foods only diet (no processed food) helps with MCAD and digestive issues
Appropriate bracing of joints
Nutritional supplementation A,D,E, &K2 and Magnesium
Being downsized and forced not to work over 40+ hours every week has resulted in reduced pain.
Pain medication
My GSD's Bella and Lexus
Support Groups are amazing & a must!
Eating very spicy things containing Capsaicin during a flare. (Trigeminal Neuralgia)
Meds help give some of my life back.
High dose Vitamin C plus cofactors (calcium, magnesium, zinc) & Cusack Protocol
Exercise helps as long as I don't overdo it.
My AFO has allowed me to walk short distances again
This is for my daughter.. Knees up to her chest seemed to help a bit.
Lots of rest and lying down
Pain medication
My friends that understand my diagnosises
Gabapentin & Naproxen
Sourire, se dire qu'on est bien change l'état d esprit de notre corps
Epsom bath salts
Trying to stay active, but knowing my limits
Learning to pace myself
Stay the course! Focus on as if following the 'North star' keep moving toward a better quality of life.
resting when my body needs it. Which is more than I like.
My puppy, boyfriend and family, couldn't have got to where I am without them
Good Team of Doctors
Dry needling
My faith
To be diagnosed
Support and braces
Regular asthma nurse appointment
My amazing supportive husband
Physical therapy
my family
Massages. Has to be at least twice a week, because it's expensive I can't maintain it.
Pain meds
nerve damage pain meds