Knowing that there is a reason out of my control for developing my first DVT after having my second child.
Being active with organizations helps to feel needed.
J ai 2 enfants : Esteban décédé pendant la grossesse et micaela née en juin 2015
Faith - Pastor of Baptist Church
Staying positive and active even on the bad days.
Watch out for Vitamin K
Medical knowledge
Blood draws tests better then finger sticks
Being informed is essential when navigating your condition.
I took warfarin for 2 years.
Xeralto has been very effective so far. No problems in 3 years.
Time. My lungs will never be 'normal' as clots have damaged both but they have improved and I am less breathless
I am a lifer, on blood thinner for life.
Taking the best blood thinner possible. Lovanox has kept me alive. I couldn't TOLERATE other blood thinners and I don't think I would still be HERE if not for this choice made by my hemotologist!
Treated with warfarin
Get enough rest
Compression stockings
Make the most of every day
I know my family is supportive.
Light Pilates has helped with my mobility.
Gluten Free Life
Eating two green leafy vegetables each week work.
Medications to help alleviate SOME not all of the neurological and sensory overload issues that I face on a daily basis.
I see a psychiatrist to deal with not just some other unrelated issues but also the issues you don’t think will surface when you deal with a life changing disorder that has no cure and can kill you at any moment with a clot induced stroke or MI, including
Never eating vegetables high in antioxidants