My trusty, comfy knee brace.
Aquatic physical therapy and herb.
A comprehensive team of specialists working together despite being at different hospitals.
knowing my blood panel and fixing the vitamins accordingly has helped immensely.
Sun exposure
Aprendi a não viver em função da doença
Where I place the focus.. I will not be cured of thinking about everything thats wrong, but I'd feel better if I remember what I still can - and not what I once could
Mi familia
SMAS friends group pages and personal contacts. It is very difficult for most to understand what SMAS is or does to every part of your life and how it effects your family.
Drink plenty of fluids (with sodium/salt)
Maintaining a good humour at all times
Heat packs
I eat edibles I make myself this takes away my pain when pain killers don't do the job.
Nothing works
Cyclobenzaprene nightly befor bed (flexeril)
Leas stress
Diet. No dairy resolved bloating and other IBS symptoms
A puppy to ensure I walk each day (Anxiety and depression)
Eviter le plus possible toute source de stress pour minimiser le déclenchement de douleurs intense et de dormir le plus possible pour me reposer ce qui permette d'éviter de grosse crise de fibromyalgie...
3 años con dioxetina 75
Botox since 2016
My family
Stress reduction
Pacing tasks
Eating less sugary foods
Learning as much as possible about my illnesses so I can advocate for myself.
Prayer! every single day
Eating organic, gluten free, nutritional cleansing/protein shakes etc.
Allergist prescribed ipratropium bromide nasal spray .06% which cures my multiple sneezes & constant runny nose.
Aquatic therapy
Regular gently yoga
Allowing myself to pace my activities and not beat myself up over things I can't do. This is an ongoing exercise as I do relapse and push myself to far
Keep moving and healthy food
Talk and accept that not everyone understands what you are going trough.
Daughter caring for me
accept that i need lots of rest and have to plan everything i need to or want to do. listen to my body!!!
Tomar paroxetina
Don't feel guilty about saying no to others
Recurrir a los especialistas y seguir sus indicaciones
Meditar y orar me hace bien.
Getting my vitamin levels checked and taking the vitamins I'm low on.