Story about Fibromyalgia , Lupus, Depression.

My story

Jan 31, 2016

By: Rosa

I first started getting depressed/anxiety when I was 10 yrs old. I didn't know that was depression. I had gone thru so much by that age that I thought that everything that had happened to me was my fault. As I grew up I learned how to manage it or so I thought by using alcohol. Finally I had my daughter and that helped me a lot. Then when my daughter was 3 I met my husband and everything was fine until I started having nightmares and depression all over again. In my nightmares my childhood horror that I lived I kept re- living it again. Then my social anxiety kicked in. When my daughter became 16 she got her first BF then she and him decided to run away. That's when I started getting horrible symptoms of lupus at the time I didn't even know what lupus was. I found my daughter 1 week after she ran away. By then I had horrible rashes on my sides under my arms and my throat was shut I could barely drink water and I was dehydrated. I was also getting horrible migraines and I went to 2 different ER rooms and they all said they couldn't do anything for me. Until I found a hospital I had heard of being good. I went but I didn't even know that they specialized in autoimmune diseases. Well when I got to the ER. I could barely walk and drive my car cause I had blisters on my palm of both my hands and both feet. But I drove my self to the hospital. Once I was there they checked me and after 2 hrs I was told I was going to get admitted. I spent 18 days there. They discovered that my esofagos lining had torn and that's why I couldn't swallow. It was horrible I don't wish it upon no one. It's very horrible. Now I'm taking a cocktail of pills and I also take infusions I'm doing ok. But I have my really bad days. I have a full time job. I work at a adult daycare center with disabled adults and I love my job. I'm also a mother of a 9 yr old boy. He's my strength and I also have a chihuahua who I love like if she was my daughter. 

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