My fellow EGIDs supporters
Having a jejenostomy so I can stay out of hospital by using hydro i
a good pain management doctor
Restorative Yoga
A caring knowledgeable Gastrointestinal Dr!
essential oils! they don't fix everything but they do help. use like a crutch to make it through my day!
my family and friends
Some days you want to give up. That is okay, but make sure you give up only for that day. Decide tomorrow if you want to fight and try again. Giving up doesn't have to be a permanent decision, just make it a daily decision.
My family supporting me.
my husband being by my side for every episode
The Low FODMAP elimination diet helped identify foods that bother me.
Eating 6 small meals a day
The love of my fur babies
My Husband
My super supportive and understanding doctors
The Kardashians to make me laugh
My husband & children are my reasons for breathing
Reading Crystal Saltrelli's book and website -- Living well with Gastroparesis
Liquid diet of soups or juices
Listening to my body
Jack & Barkley-my min pins
My faith in God!
Having a nutritionist.
Dietary Modification
Clean diet & MMJ
feeding tube
Having family/friends that understand and validate your illness
Joint bracing and the right medication
My partner for being so helpful and understanding always being there .
nausea medication
Others understanding
Liquid Diet w/one soft food meal daily
still been able to work part time
Avoiding problem foods & keeping my meals small help
Finally admitting I needed help and getting disability
Keeping that delicate balance between getting enough rest and enough physical motion to keep my body from getting too stiff
good and supportive doctors
my family and boyfriend
Getting a diagnosis and knowing I'm not alone
My Jewish faith & Native Two-Spirit communities are very important to me. My spouse is my biggest supporter. I'm in a Phase II gastroparesis study for a new gastric motility drug right now (November 2015). I sometimes use a walker or wheelchair.