lifestyle changes like small meals
Ginger tea
hot water bottle
Accepting what i cant change
Acthar injections made a life altering difference.
Cutting out caffeine
Getting gluten out of my diet
Heating pad
Family and friends
Keeping regular pulmonary visits, taking my annual PFT test, and using my mainteance medicine as directed.
decreased my stress
Aprender a vivir con mis nuevas no-capacidades
Losing decent amount of weight improved self esteem.
Being downsized and forced not to work over 40+ hours every week has resulted in reduced pain.
Eating small amounts and avoiding fiber.
Positive Mental Attitude
I have a gp/family doctor who believes in the reality of M.E.
Good Physio
My family and boyfriend have been sooo supportive throughout this awful illness
Trying to stay positive.
Treatments have not worked yet
eat 3 hours before going to bed
My therapy dog Lucy
Apple cider vinegar
my mom who is always by my side
Living to the fullest , lots of laughter & try to give tons of love
Supportive husband & mother who really get it and are always there to help.
Eating much smaller meals
My dog
I was immediately prescribed Prolastin C Infusions, which are given once a week, for life.Also checking my oxygen stats daily.
Aprender sobre el Crohn y el Lupus en lugares contrastados
My husband that supports me and helps me with everything.
Watching more comedies on TV has increased my joy - laughter helps with pain control.
Taking Florajen3 Probiotic daily
Don't EXCESS Anything....
My doctor knows that no pain control med works on every kind of pain
A Nurse Practicioner who researches and understands my condition
Learning to pace my life and not do everything at once
Having a great support system of online friends.
Facebook groups have been a huge support
diaphragmatic breathing
Supportive family
diet, keeping my mind busy coloring having support group meetings in person
Living in the moment