i lost 75 lbs on the south beach diet and that helped some with the headaches.
LP Shunt
Helpful doctors
Finding others with the same illness on facebook to talk to :)
My Dr. helping me through this
Botox since 2016
Don't let them tell u about u, they have no idea , you know more than they do
Relaxation and meditation
Remember you are NOT alone. Join a suppord group. Lots of good information and support online.
Recognizing food sensitivities
Losing weight
Working with a personal trainer to increase fitness & lose weight
My family
Medical mj.
Cerebral angiogram scheduled for August 17
My dog <3
Sport, fitness with a physical therapist.
Accept your condition, and make the best of what you have. stop thinking about what you don't have.
Sleep and pain meds/pot
Ice packs
My very first doctor
Living a simpler life and freeing time for enjoying it
have a good sleep schedule
Being able to work
Keeping my head cool and elevated at all times
Diamox 500mg twice a day
taking better care of myself. Knowing my limitations.
Changing my mindset and the way I think compared to when I first got diagnosed as I was in a bad mindset compared to now
Healthy eating and exercise when possible
Attitude on life
My migraine medicine
pain/symptoms diary really helped me find my triggers so i can avoid certain things, i included as much as poss
If I have a 'bad' day I find keeping up with painkillers helps a lot (if they say 4 hourly that's when I have them)
Pills are not always the answer
Migraine medication
Losing weight
Accepting that I need to rest at times
Positive thinking
Forcing myself to stay active
LP's ( no longer using)
My parents
Working with Dietician, OB and Neurologist to stay med free as much as possible.
Having as many holidays as possible
Finding a good doctor. Fight for your health.
Increase testosterone
Resting when needed
Living with family and loved ones
IH causes me to have really bad mood swings, especially before big weather changes. Knowledge I have learned from other sufferers has saved my life. Most of the time the doctors only think IH causes vision problems and headache. There is so much more in
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