I have been on 500 mg of Diamox 1xday. For the most part, it has helped me.
VP Shunt
4 years of Diamox
Lumbar puncture but it lasts a few hours
VP shunt
Balancing hormones
Getting my Ventriculo Peritoneal Shunt
Looking for others with this diagnosis in my area.
cold bath! lay in tub with head under the cold water, I spent a lot of time in and out of the tub for temporary relief
Spinal Taps generally relieve the pressure from the headaches.
My family beginning to understand my condition
Having a VP shunt put into my brain in July
Having a team of medical professionals that saw the seriousness of this condition
1 month of Glaupax helped my vision, but I couldn't take the side effects.
Thinking positively
VP Shunt
VP shunt
Weight Loss
I had my 1st venous brain stent placed on May 26th 2016.
Found other people
Having an infusion for pain is helping me feel better.
Vp shunt instead of the lp shunt
Sumatripton injections
Regular massage therapy
Getting dressed for the day
Cutting meat out of my diet
Sleep and peace.
1200 mg of diamox and still no change in paps or symptoms
An ice pack
Reduce sodium
When I don't have so much fluid in my body
Altoid's mints - strong peppermint oil in them can help me refocus when in pain/confusion due to IIH
Marijuana has made my pressure headaches go away completely.
Lots of water
Diamox is not my friend.
Potassum pills & Flod helped pain and numness go a way
Staying hydrated and eating well.
Understanding the disease and being your own advocate
Optic sheet decompression surgery, then Diamox and Prednisone
My amazing sister who is always there for me.
diamox precription to redyce fluid around my brain
Lidocaine Nasal Sprays have been crucial in my headache management