Support and understanding from family and friends
I have had chronic migraine for the last 3 years. Just tried Emgality and seems to help with the migraines.
Getting sun and grounding daily help with fatigue.
Positive attitude / faith
Living alone in a house that I have had since 2005 so I know it is a safe space for me
My husband's dedication
Air purifiers
Eating organic products containing coconut, the oil and the cream has made a big difference in lowering inflammation and curing seizures.
Acceptance from others
asking friends to skip the perfume, cologne if we get together
lots of sleep
Having supportive family and friends who accept my condition as real and not a psychosomatic illness, as many MCS people are not so lucky in this regard.
find a doctor who knoe this disease
Creating a non-toxic home
Find a doctor who understands Environmental Medicine
Removing all toxic products and foods from my life
Separation from every negative-minded person
People around me that respect a synthetic fragrance/synthetic chemical free environment.
Avoiding scented products
Minerals and vitamins
Spending 5 months in the Caribbean (finding a mold-free house is difficult but crucial)
Low stress + stress management
Saw specialist 2
By God's grace I had housing options that have helped me get relief and heal.