I had a thymectomy June 2008.
Plasmasesis every 2 months
love life
Support from my husband
Mi madre siempre esta conmigo
IVIG every 28 days
IVIG, Mestinon and Cellcept
temperary high doses of prednisone
break up activites with rests ad budget my activities throughout the week
PrednisoLone helped with mood swings.
paciencia para tolerar los medicamentos
Rest when you need to
Family support
Plenty of rest at night. Try to dispose of as much stress as possible. Stay hydrated.
Ketogenic diet has brought my symptoms under control
Keeping my chin up, pushing forward and refusing to give in
Se conhecer intimamente
A stress-free enviroment and relationships
Respect you body's limits, but never stop dreaming
Diet change
Facebook group that I admin Myasthenia Gravis & Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome Asia
Listen to your body. I know when I feel something just isn't right.
Supportive husband who recognizes symptoms and takes over when I cannot manage without complaint.
Trying to be clam and get some rest.
Prednison helped me after thymectomy....i am aware of that, but beeing of pred is way better, expecially for my spirit :)
mi familia que esta siempre a mi lado
Incredible doctors (I'm lucky!)
Changing my diet to more healthier
Facebook private MG community
Mis Hijo y Mi Hijas, siento que por ellos no puedo flaquear
Support of my family
Nunca dejes de Ponerle Voluntad a tu condicion miastenica, siempre puedes un poco más
Pay attention to my body and give it what it requires. (Proper food, rest, etc.)
Pay attention to my body and give it what it requires. (Proper food, rest, etc.)
rest if you need it
endless debt put MG on the endlist
appropriate prescriptions
Huperzine A (instead of Mestinon) for the MG
Playing with my dog
D3 10,00 units dailey
Avoid stress