I got off Cyclosporin and onto Azathioprine (Imuran).
Having a in home Trilogy 100 ventilator. I believe that this has kept me out of the hospital several times when my breathing got bad. It gives me the rest needed to recoup that without it isn't possible.
take one day at a time
Slowing down and not overdoing it.
Baja en azucar y sal
started Imuran 6 weeks and waiting for some changes in about 5 more months
Getting off Prednisone!
less stress
Wash hands...Wash hands....Wash hands Common illnesses are NOT my friend
God has always given us strength
el apoyo de mi familia
Keep a Positive Attitude
Imuran and mestinon
Mycophenolate is a decent alternative as an immunosuppressant to hi-dose prednisone w/o ++ side FX.
I am able to work part time
My husband who keeps an eye on me and helps me manage my symptoms
aceitar seus limites
Knowing my limits
A neurologist who actually knew what was wrong, myaware, Whetharall Institute of Moleculer Medicine
Timer set to take my medication.
Fighting spirit
CPAP, diet - caffeine weakens me as does wheat & dairy, smoothies including ginger & lemon help cope with gastric side effects of meds, nutritional supplement help
Avoid heating
Exercise is a least 15 km on elicptical bike exery day....and i am doing it :)
Positive attitude.
Принять болезнь
estar siempre tranquilo
Accepting my new normal!
Drinking 2 gallons of distilled water daily
Great knowledgable neuro
Mi Familia completa, no les puedo dar tristesa...
Helping other that suffer from MG
No tengas verguenza de tener Miastenia, ayuda a los demás a entender la Enfermedad
Find doctors that specialize in my disease and listen.
Find doctors that specialize in my disease and listen.
I was totally alone and had to figure it out By testing on myself. now in total remission. HARD WORK
support groups, social media that shows the positive side
Friends and family
MJ thermal patches for flares
Rest often
120 mg de bromuro de piridostigmina cada 4 hs
Having my therapy dog.
La meditación y conectarme todos los días con mi poder superior
El tratamiento de omnilife
Ter qualidade de vida
apoio da familia