I get married to a very special guy . that is no longer here.
Weight lifting
Eating the right foods
aceitar a condiçao especial do meu filho
Finding a formula that mostly works for my lifestyle
Went to espku conference in berlin
Able to get a new milk
Working close with my dietitian to stay on a correct and healthy diet, helped me to live life as normal.
Watching what we feed my 9 month old granddaughter
PKU camps
I have always had a supportive family to help deal with PKU.
Meeting other people with phenylketonuria
Diet for LIFE!
I am Piper and I have PKU
Embracing reality always brings a positive result.
Was off diet from age 18 to 33
My mom's making sure I always have good food packed anytime I go somewhere
Staying on a healthy low protein diet when younger
orientacion sobre la fenilcetonuria
My parents that helps me.
Cardio exercise
My mom is always on my back to drink my formula
nao desistir por uma condiçao alimentar pro meu filho
Having a supportive husband
Created PKU awareness uk with loads of support
Not to eat to much of the wrong thing
Studying to be a dietitian, to help those with different food and nutrition problems that may happen in their lifetime.
Keeping her appointments at Children Hospital of Philadelphia
PKU Association
I am now taking Peg-Pal and have never felt this good!
A good diet in younger ages can mean better health when older
My nutritionist is amazing.
I go to University of Florida to see my doctors
Fighting for your own is also a fight for yourself.
Currently on kuvan and 3 months into palynziq
Doing my bloodwork at least once a month
Doing all my formulas /excercise
mi mama ha visto por mi y gracias a eso he salido adelante y me enseño a no rendirme
being on diet right. thanks to Dr Koch. his no longer here.
Taking my Kuvan
habitos novos em todos os aspectos
Meeting others with PKU