My MPT story

Dec 2, 2

I had what was termed a harmless fibroadenoma removed in June of 2007.

At the age of 33, I had my first baby and was nursing him. He was born in December. The following November, I noticed that my scar tissue felt different. I had an ultrasound and it was recommended that I have a biopsy after I stopped nursing for three months. My team believed it was another fibroadenoma. I had it removed in June and received a diagnosis of malignant Phyllodes tumor a couple days later. I had an additional surgery for wide margins. I realized that my surgeon only had experience with four other patients and none of them had a malignant diagnosis. I sought a second opinion and ultimately gained am even better team. I began 6 weeks of radiation in October. I now have quarterly CT scans and mammograms. A couple nodules were found on my thyroid, so I also receive follow up with ultrasounds. I have done a lot of research to ensure I'm as well informed as possible.

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