began a Metabolic Reset 07/2015
Free healthcare and my family having a good drug plan
Staying active
no sugar or starch
clomid (ttc for 6 years)
Staying Positive
My family next to me....
try change way
knowing that I have God on my side.
Eat healthier.
My husband's support
Quit sugar
Cutting out all overtime at work so that I have more "me" and more family time
Having my husband by my side
laying flat on my back
GON blocks
Lo más básico .... Deporte y Dieta sana.
I use ice and Heat alternating. It helps on ny bad days.
Vitamin D supplements
good supportive understanding friends
Friends who are always there for me if I need them and don't judge me
Sleeping pills so I can stay asleep at night.
El apoyo de mi esposo
Ejercicio recomendado por el medico
Estou a 2 meses me exercitando já consegui emagrecer e minha mestruaçaão já normalizou
Treating Systemic Candida infection
Excision surgery with a qualified surgeon.
Minhas nutricionistas especialistas em saúde da mulher
My family and boyfriend have been sooo supportive throughout this awful illness
Avoid excess vitamin A intake
Acompanhamento profissional
Eating whole foods and healthy fats.
Vit d
Controlling bile-acid malabsorption through Colestipol
Learning to accept the limitations of my body.
Taking life as it comes
Baths are and always have been #1 for increasing my mood.
Family support
My husband. Always helping me, and telling the Drs what's wrong when my memory goes.
Giving birth to my baby
Metformin has helped reduce my weight and appetite significantly since starting a year ago.
Treatments have not worked yet
Using natural hair products on my scalp (i.e. Lush)