My daughter changed my live in the good way
Probiotics and Enzyme supplements helped my gut get normal. No constipation, no reflux.
Gtube allowed me to have a consistent and improved diet.
the unconditionnal support of my parents and brothers
having moved in different countries ( France, UK, Germany) and schools
3 mg de mélatonine aide Jasmine à dormir la nuit
Gluten Free diet
Being part of an association. Faire partie d'une association.
My daughter, Roxane, who has this desease, is 25 years and we make all is possible for her ! She seem's happy !
Ocycarbazepine (generic for Trileptal) for seizures
Ocycarbazepine (generic for Trileptal) for seizures
As teparias na Apae em São Caetano contribuiram muito para melhoria de nossa filha
Educated my self about the Rett and my spouse too
My Tobii eye gaze helps me communicate and show my personality.
Communication Alternative helped Irene to feel better
Estar informada sobre el Síndrome de Rett desde un principio
eva nee en 2008 atteinte du syndrome de rett atypique
One year with CBD OIL
Using eyetracker for AAC improved our level of communication and quality of everyday life
Using my Tobii Dynavox helps me communicate
I always loved my daughter
Happy peoples
Compression helps - even just a tight shirt, like Under Armour. Helps me feel more calm.
Anti-convulsants have improved seizures
the support of the "Association Française du Syndrome de Rett"
being loved by my parents, sister and family
Tobii I-12
Tobii I-12
Spinal fusion
A persistência e olhar atento de meus pais que não deixam nada passar e vão em buasca de soluções
My angel feels more happy and secure with mum and dad
People treating me lie I'm smart.
Family wellness improved Irene's
Prepara a mi niña estos años a través del cuidado diario
Travel a lot
Assuming competency helps to work with comminication and education
Riding my Freedom Concepts Adaptive Bike is fun!
I thought i would have teach my daughter About the world. It turns out. I would teach de world about my daughter.
Being on lo-dose birth control as a hormone levelling measure helped so hormone spikes don't happen and don't trigger seizures.
Daily exercise and interaction with others improves my quality of life
being stimulated in many ways (travels,music,tv, ipad games...)
PT, OT, ST 4x per week each
PT, OT, ST 4x per week each
Rett clinic
Ter uma equipe multidisciplinar de médicos, de terapeutas e de educadores que buscam o trabalho em conjunto