Support Groups
Managing stress
Being around my children, other family, and friends. I try not to be a lone to much cause I get to caught up in my mind thinking and end up depressed. I pray a lot, that seems to calm me down.
Antispasmodic / muscle relaxer
My Family that stands by my side through it all
IVIG infusion 4 times a month every month
Diet also helps.
Dry sauna
My wife is incredible!!
Swimming, staying as fit as I can! I can do IN the pool what I cannot do out of the pool! I also swim laps now!
Try medical marijuana
Getting ivig
Support from my family
Me separei com o diagnostio, investi em mim
IVIG gives me short term relief but it give me migaines
Força de vontade
Ter mais médicos que entendam do assunto
Tener una gran vida social y seguir estudiando
hablar con otros afectados
Finding a Dr. who listens, cares, is proactive and keeps proper records.
diet with no gluten
diet with no gluten
Professor Brew
courage to challence my physical limits sometimes, even that it may mean hurting myself (that is what I have learned in 10 years)
A good diet and moderate exercise.
I have started a foundation called Keep Moving Help Colletto Cure SPS to give me purpose. I am a special education teacher.
Thyroid support and adrenal support
I have a lot more bad days then good, but having my fiancé and FB support groups has eased the pain a little bit
Not working and being believed
Not working and being believed
Baclofen and Valium
Warm water Aqua therapy
Supplements and cannabinoids
Try to eat plenty of veggies and drink lots of water!
Lots of REST
Family life