Don't sit unless on a hard chair and leaning forward on a table.
Bedrest is the only thing that makes it hurt less, unless I have done something to aggitate
My Kids Helping Around the House
Pacing myself and knowing the signs to stop before I crash.
Being off work to be able to rest as needed.
Control yourself, don't do things that make your situation worse
Cell food by nu science has helped chronic fatigue gotten rid of many symptoms
No activity more than basic needs
The support of family and friends.
Heating pads
Healthy (Paleo) diet & supplements
Surgery Dr Feigenbaum
Staying Active
Family Support
Medical marijuana helps with pain, but stopped because I can't think clearly.
Writing a book based on true stories of chronic illness, chronic pain, rare diseases, and PTSD.
Frequent Rest
13 years physio, naproxen, muscle relaxants - not helpful
Giving up exercise
After 30 years, I have made pain my friend
God, prayer and a good support group
Neurontin for nerve pain.
Memory foam shoes take the pressure off my lower back
Duluxatine has helped some with my SI pain
I had surgery.
Aceptar los hechos
Calor en zona lumbosacra y abdominal
I lost almost 50lbs .
Laying down alot
Had surgery on 22.08.17
Andar diariamente un mínimo de 30 minutos
Tarlov Cyst Survivor
In this disease from 2005 - bednounded since 2018
wrotycz, mlecz, nagietek
Meclizine for dizziness
Laying down for a couple of hours after being active (grocery shopping or driving)
Lidocaine patch
Pain medicine has at least help lower the pain.
Topiramate lidocaine patches and roll on
being on low carb/ paleo diet
Me diagnosticaron hace 10 años
I had the surgery September 5, 2018
TC's slowed my life down tremendously but I still can't drive