Quell unit/t
Repos,mais peu de méthodes fonctionnent vraiment
Talking to people
Being at home most of the time
Heat - Hot tub, Water/Aqua pool relaxation, planks/pilates movements
Seeing light at the end of the tunnel
S1/Coxxicx Injections of Kenalogg
Getting off narcotic pain medication, walking, still figuring stretches out. Pool not open due to cover wish I could swim.
Reducing sugars, walk, supplemts of C vitamin and l-lysine
Veganes Essen reduzieren die Entzündungen
Very painful and need answers
Eating a low inflammatory foods diet, give up alcohol, learn how to manage pain - read Explain Pain by NOIGroup.com
Heating pad use on lower back
Gluten free/sugar free diet
Palmitoylethanolamide for sciatic pain and inflammation
Contactar con otros pacientes en España y todo el mundo. Grupos de Facebook, Twitter, etc
No heavy lifting reduced pain
Spinal cord Stimulator
Gezond gewicht
Mijn liefhebbende, begripvolle en hardwerkende man is mijn rots in de branding als ook mijn 4 kinderen welke tevens chronisch ziek zijn en dus sneller begrip hebben voor situaties waarin ik niet (meer) mee kan doen
Illness is my mentor who teaches me to live better.
Nix tun was den Schmerz hervorruft
I thank God for my caregiver.
accepting her illness
My lady dogs help me to support this daily
Diagnosis - I have begun to accept that I am "broken" and it's OK.
An anti-inflammatory diet helps
Looking for my next step.
I first had the most pain with sitting. Now once the pain starts it is hard to get rid of it. If I stand most of the time I have less pain. Any time I put pressure on the Tarlov cysts they hurt. I sure hope being treated by one of the 2 or 3 doctors in th
Trying to find something else that helps
Trying to find something else that helps
Mirica seems to help some