Rest whenever I need to
Daily detox, supplements regimen
People who understand
Accepting my limitations but celebrating my abilities.
Second Life
Take supplements and keep away from pharmaceutical medication
Having supportive people in your life!
quitting full-time job
My family
investigar sobre el tema
accept that i need lots of rest and have to plan everything i need to or want to do. listen to my body!!!
Getting a second opinion from a new ENT.
support fellow sufferers
Support groups
I'm active in 'Hrf' Hörselskadades riksförbund, Swedish union of hearing disabled, and that helps me.
I am a survivor not a victim
Not over doing physical activity
Avoiding alcohol
Time to get healthier
For visual snow and tinnitus, give yourself time. Your brain will habituate over time and your anxiety over the situation will lower.
J'évite les endroits bruyants
Outside: Daily sunbathing as much as possible, better on naked body. The sun restores your own CEM with its wonderful frequencies. Ground yourself: Do some walks on parks or in forest. Deep breathing. // Por fuera: Baños de sol diarios, mejor con el cuer