Gut reset.
Having more to love and fight for than myself
Get a good urologist.
Talk to my husband and family about how my condition impacts my life.
Keep a positive mind
Physical Therapy
I began exercising immediately after my Transverse Myelitis attack. I couldn't do much at the time, but today I am much better.
Gluten Free and mostly organic diet; very little processed foods
Gabapenton and muscle relaxers help
Unwavering support of my family and friends
Physical/Occupational Therapy
My kids always beside me
Eliminate as much stress as possible
Clean organic foods
Refusing to give up
Get as much physical therapy as humanly possible.
Craniosacral therapy
Keeping stress to a minium, yoga & meditation.
Follow your dr orders
Possibly Adderall. Helps to keep my mind focused on things other than symptoms.
Exchange platforms on facebook groups
gabapentin at night, to stop the *restless leg* feelings
Listening to my body and resting when the pain increases
Finding as much info I can on my rare disease.
The support of my husband and family
Having had a Dr. that understands how i feel
Supplements Omega 3, Milk Thistle, Spirulina, Zinc
Essential oils
My home
VitD, Vit B12, magnesium, calcium
anti inflammatory diet
Keeping a positive attitude.
God's peace during the tests and MRI's.
Nap as needed and don't feel guilty
Reduce stress
It really helps to have something that makes me happy and relaxed. That can be cuddling my cats, read a good book and having nicely painted nails. Things that make me happy.
A reason to fight makes all the difference. The reason doesn't matter, family, kids, travel, getting to your seat at a football game. Just a reason.
My dog and cats.
Lots of physical and occupational therapy which I've continued doing at home.
Daily Exercise
Having an at home hobby
Vitamin D
Having a life partner that understands, supports, and advocates for you is most helpful.