Home therapies made a difference
am now using a cpap and am getting good sleep
amor de la familia
Intensive physiotherapy, over 8 weeks, first as an in patient, then x3 days, then x2 per week
Doing things to help others
Keeping positive
A mostly plant based diet.
Medications, help with pain, sensations.
Healthy diet
My autoimmune illness may have come from my gut, so correcting it made a world of difference
wanting my life back
You can't get enough physical therapy.
Try to not do too much physically so I don’t end up in a lot of pain.
Eating healthier
Желание начать ходить
Keep moving, but also take rest
Exercise, rest and diet ! I refrain from anything processed, high sugar and sodium
Family and friends support
I try to eat healthy, stay positive and have a happy life style.
Regular Physical and Muscular Therapy
Physical therapy
Three months of inpatient rehab
Be a survivor
Learn to rest when you need to
Hard work physical therapy
Never give up!
Trying to do as much as my "regular" routine before I got sick BUT realizing that I might not be able to and that's ok.
Stay positive. Pray. Know your limitations
Healthy, bio and almost vegetarian diet with lots of spices and herbs
a positive attitude, and going with the flow!
never giving up hope
The return of most of the hair I lost due to some of the drugs I was taking.
the thought that someone might actually care
Keeping a positive "can do" attitude, not always easy but so important
Hard work and positive attitude
Fresh air and love
strong will and mind
Supportive husband.
The amount of people praying for me and my family was amazing!
Never giving up
Check out my blog at www.heyyoudontloolsick.com :)