Story about Transverse myelitis .

What I thought would be a normal day

Feb 23, 2017

By: Sherry

On November 17,2000 my life changed. I was sitting on the bed talking to my husband. He decided he needed to go to Walmart so I told him I'd go with him. When I stood up my right foot was asleep. I didn't think anything of it. Thought maybe I had been sitting wrong. When we got to Walmart, about 10 minutes later, my right foot was still asleep and my left foot had also gone to sleep. While in Walmart, the funny feeling started progressing and had gone up to my knees. By the time we made it home it was up to my waist. All of this happened in a span of 30 minutes. My husband ended up taking me to the ER. Dr asked if I was anxious about something. I said no. He gave me xanax anyways. Then sent me home with muscle relaxers. So irritating. 2 days later I went to my regular physician and they said I needed to see a neurology immediately. This was November 19. Neurologist calls and says they can get me in the middle of December. I started yelling at the girl, telling her that I couldn't walk on my own. She said she'd call me back. When she did she told me to come to the hospital immediately. Husband took me. They started IV steroids and did several MRI's. After 6 days in the hospital I was finally diagnosed with transverse myelitis. With the help of physical therapy, I am now able to walk short distances on my own. I have a lot of pain, especially when the weather changes. 

All of this from my first and only flu shot 

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