If I can just get to sleep (I know it's hard) in the early stages of an attack, it helps ride it out.
not sure at this time.
My Microvascular Decompression Surgery
Compression par ballon du ganglion de gasser efficace pour une durée inconnue
support group
Mars bars
Strong determination to live as normal as possible
do not eat foot that is hard and difficault to chew
I want to help others fight!
Warm wash cloth/heating pad
Increase of my medication (gaba atm) before i go to the dentist or things like that instead of after is a great idea.
Happiness I get from family that keeps me away from all sorts of depression which may trigger the neuralgia pain.
Joining the Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Facebook page
family support
Medications, xeomin injections every 2-3 months, MVD helped some. Everyone walks their own path. It's Important not to compare yourself with others that have or had TN. What works and cures some people doesn't always work for others.
laughing, minimum 30 minutes a day. I opt for comedy channels.
Getting injections in my face every six weeks
Try and find someone who has been through it to help share the mental and emotional turmoil and do the same for someone else
Keeping as busy as I can; try and act the opposite of how you feel
TN meds are somewhat working
Plenty of sleep
Not moving, eating, or talking.
Not touching left side of face
Heat packs, music, morphine, colouring in, pets
Sleeping when the Tegretol kicks in
Attempting some sense of normality. (Everything in moderation.)
Prayer/ cyber knife
great pain management Doctor
I have a supportive family
Chamomile tea
Nerve pain is not "normal" pain, don't treat it as such.
I've recently lost over 60lbs that in turn helps me with pain
I have good doctors that listen
Not eating pepper, it sets off a flare, so lots of home cooking or burgers.
Staying away from stress
Staying away from stress
My son, I know I got to do what I can because I'm his mom!
Rest whenever I need to
Lidocaine oral solution
Prednisone ( during flare ups)