Time . . . Waiting . . . Is the only medicine that slows pain.
Cannabis helped me a lot!
Never accept that there's nothing else that can be done, there's always something new to try
Having the support/friendship of my BFF TN survivor Lisa!
Support from my family after reading them the spoon theory
Finally knowing why I hurt
Low dose naltrixone
My very supportive husband.
Bilateral... Have had two MVD's, TN pain gone xx
Tegretol.. Pop a Pill when the shocks start and wait it out
Learning how to relax and breath
Less stress in my life is very helpful
Gabapentin 600mg
So far tegretol at 400 mg twice a day
Do not underestimate natural holistic approach- accupuncture, accupressure, and trigger point therapies!
MVD @ Sunnybrooke Hospital by Dr DaCosta
Finding Plexus has helped me tremendously with pain
I have an MVD 7/1/15
Lamotragine, It took 4 months to titrate to 400mg and another 4 for it to work, but man what a difference
Cocktail of Meds
Cocktail of Meds
Eating very spicy things containing Capsaicin during a flare. (Trigeminal Neuralgia)
Motor cortex stimulator/some relief
Vitamin D supplements
Microvascular Decompression 2006
My children have been my reason to fight each day!
Avoiding cold using hearing pad
using ice pack and taking benadryl
Family Support
Massages. Has to be at least twice a week, because it's expensive I can't maintain it.
Vipassana Meditation
Correct medication
Working on The Race To Save Face whose proceeds go to The Facial Pain Research Foundation
Creio que fé em Deus em primeiro lugar
Mi hija, por ella siguo luchando.
Minha fé em Deus
weather change after May.