A combination of Oxtellar XR and gabapentin
Cocktail of meds... when they stop working, a new concoction is started
Trileptal twice a day
My MVD was a complete failure
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Tegretol helps the pain the most but it makes me so tired.
Occipital Nerve Stimulator
Tegretol has been great until it stopped being effective after 2.5 years
Electrical stimulation
Planning ahead gives me things to look forward to
Fentanyl patch
Allowing myself to understand there are up and downs with this disease, surrounding myself with those that really care
Medical Marijuana
Find a support person. Someone who can speak for you when its too painful for you to speak.
Heating pad
I call my Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain "George"... it helps, I hate George, but I live with him daily
Mind Relaxer called Min-Chex along with other herbal dietary supplements!
Hot wheatbag on area
Second MVD Dr. Kennith Casey
Find out what triggers you're TN Attacks
Had a successful MVD surgery in October 2013, and am pain free and med free.
Glycerol shot in my face every few months
Glycerol shot in my face every few months
Support from my husband and family
Microvascular surgery
Music and my family
Diet - Removing foods thats where toxic to my body
I have found dark chocolate to help, but the unsweetened pure dark chocolate. Awful taste but helps some
After 8 mos of med changes, Trileptal and Amatryptaline are my combo
Home health care , IV hydration, Vitamin Bags
Music that i love and dancing changed my life
Diet - avoid chewy foods
Nortriptyline has given me more good days in a week than bad
Trigeminusneuralgie gewoon en atypisch
MVD surgery improved my life.
Yoga and Meditation have helped me with the pain.
Ketamine infusion