Question - Hereditary Angioedema


Cinryze Shortage

Asked 6 years ago MS123 2027

Hi All,

Is anyone aware of Cinryze experiencing a shortage supply? If so, why and where is this shortage (US or Europe)?



1 answer | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I received notification in an email yesterday and by UPS today of a shortage in the U.S.  My understanding is they take a month off of production every year and there is always a shortage for a time after that.  In the past the shortage has been for a very short time.  Last year it was for several months.  My supplier (Accredo) said they stockpile in anticipation of this and then give out only a 1 week supply of medications at a time to their patients until the supply is back up.

Answered 6 years ago Debbie 102
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