Using Ice packs on my head when it hurts soothes the pain to a bearable level
Going to see doctors that actually understand me
The people at Mental Health
Having a wonderful husband who is always there for me
My furbaby, Nellie. She keeps me company on my bed on my bad days
Positive Thinking
Having an outside-the-box thinking doctor is wonderful
Ionized Foot Detox - Clean unwanted mineral Toxins from my body
My least favorite thing about PCOS is the facial hair growth :(
Walking my dog
Compression Socks
Being aware of my disorder and having support from friends/family that are knowledgeable and patient
and my true friends tell me never to give up
My parents that helps me.
Coming to terms with coeliacs made my mind think different
Friends that are always there for me
Writing stories
My husband that supports me and helps me with everything.
Getting my insulin pump
The use of histerlin to stop my monthly hormone fluctuation.
Immunity builder
Appropriate Medication
Watching more comedies on TV has increased my joy - laughter helps with pain control.
writing about thoughts and feelings
I get online and reach out to friends. Friends in my Many suport groups have been a Huge help to getting me out of a rut, of depression and even on my bad pain days. They truly get what it's like.
Using medicinal cannabis helps with my fibromyalgia pain.
A stress-free enviroment and relationships
Therapy EDMR treatment
My dog
Magnesium Supplements
Taking the medication Adderall, prescribed to me.
My son who keeps me going
Support groups
Finding my own and the best way to live with that disease
Respirar fundo
Cuddles from my dog and my partner
Forever living, both the business opportunity and the products
Pot tinctures; pot-infused topicals; high CBD/low THC strains for moderate pain; when NOTHING ELSE WORKS for body-wide acute pain...opiates. Vicodin helps short over-the-top flare-ups, 10mg OxyContin 2x/day for longer flare-ups for better quality of life
Friends who understand and don't believe I'm faking it.
Commution and understanding. Finding a group of people to talk to who understand what it's like to be young and chronically ill has definitely helped me fell less alone and more understood.
Parlez avec des amies sortir
People I barely know understanding
For Celiac, my life has completely changed for the better after starting a gluten-free diet