Good friends and family support is number one
Research on my own.. Drs don't seem to know anything
Finally getting an Aspergers diagnosis in the mid-1980's.
collagen powder has helped with joint pain
O tratamento
I have diabetes, high blood pressure, bipolar, anxiety, depression and a host of other issurs
Learning to pace my life and not do everything at once
Pain Patches (Narcotic)
Having a great support system of online friends.
Medicating with medical marijuana
Cutting out Gluten, Dairy, Sugar.
Being able to gain weight.. Cant afford.Protein Shakes
Having a few people around me who understand and support me without judging.
Subcutaneous IgG
Adderall has immensely helped my fatigue.
DIET!!! I would still be on medication and feeling like crap if not for a paleo diet
Support from others with the same conditions
Accepting that I'm going to be on mood stabilisers for the rest of my life
Support from family and friends
Finding a new passion that fit with my new limited lifestyle
My faith in the Gods and Goddesses.
Strict food, activity and weather restrictions
My doctor helped massively
having my dog with me.
rest is essential
Strong helping hand from my mother
My parents supporting me through my life, especially my mother.
My mom has apologized for all the childhood trauma she caused regarding my chronically ill sister and my ADHD.
Energy healing
Distraction helps me if not taken extremely.
Medication and therapy
My sisters and my husbands constant love and support!
I have my grandchildren to spend time with and give me hope for the future
Looking for something that would make a difference
Facebook groups have been a huge support
CBD oil helps so much, found it at a local farmers market.
Working from home doing art and designing
To be able to eat properly
Started Zoloft for anxiety and depression, with Xanax for panic attacks
I work at home, and my "office" is using my laptop in bed.
Good support system
Fluids, again usually IV
My fiancé supports me and our kids