working with physicain to adjust BP meds so I can function more normally & lower BP
Working full time in my business
Joining a facebook group about this.
Lovely family with lots of support
Knowlegdable physician
Getting involved in something outside the home
Exercise & healthy diet & enjoy as my body & mind allowed me to do. Not too much nor too little.
music, playing any instrument
being told of family history
Find a professional or confidant you can talk to about your condition
Sharing knowledge about AD
My husband and family
Live life, don't give up.
Retinal detachment surgery at Moorfields Eye Hospital saved my sight
Knowing many more questions in life will not be answered, but not to fret we find out what is definitely NOT wrong with us.
Rely on loved one
Daily calls, cards, emails, and Facebook.
Trying to remember I can't lift heavier things anymore is helping my back
A good health and good food
Sport, being active (walking and swimming)
Family and friends
My medications are perfect!
Being thankful to be in the 3% that survived.
strict diet let me loose 12 kg
Nicht klagen... Kämpfen / Never give up !!
Listen to My body
Look at life different
I try to be cautious about lifting
Laughter Therapy
Staying out of the heat and cold tends to make me less tired
El acompañamiento familiar
Eat healthy
Talking to others about dissection
Aneurysm discovered accidentally
Walking 5-10 kilometres a day has also helped to get back to a good fitness level
support from family and friends
Fear is the Mind Killer
Cardiac Rehab
Educate YOURSELF !! You are your own BEST Advocate for your health ..... A wise Cardiologist once told me
Tackar varje morgon att jag fortfarande lever.
Mi familia
Trening, mølle og sykkel hjemme
Realizing that my life isn't over
Limited exercise
Keeping busy-walking
My mum has stood by me all 10 years since my dissection!