Over expansion of Aorta

There are 688 people in the Aortic Dissection map

Aortic Dissection life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Aortic Dissection?

23 answers
Celebrities with Aortic Dissection

Celebrities with Aortic Dissection

12 answers
Is Aortic Dissection hereditary?

Is Aortic Dissection hereditary?

18 answers
Is Aortic Dissection contagious?

Is Aortic Dissection contagious?

17 answers


Lack of blood circulation
Rapid sustained heartbeat
Easily fatigued



Circulatory system
Circulatory system
Muscular system
Muscular system
Respiratory system
Respiratory system


  • See symptoms.


  • Surgery
  • Specialist who treat it

    Thoracic surgery
    Natural treatment of Aortic Dissection

    Is there any natural treatment for Aortic Dissection?

    15 answers
    ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Aortic Dissection

    ICD10 code of Aortic Dissection and ICD9 code

    12 answers
    Living with Aortic Dissection

    Living with Aortic Dissection. How to live with Aortic Dissection?

    20 answers
    Aortic Dissection diet

    Aortic Dissection diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of ...

    23 answers

    Stories of Aortic Dissection

    Aortic Dissection stories
    Having worked as CEO in companies in need of financial turnaround and as manager in projects concerning change management, my life has included a high level of blood pressure. Now, i can only regret that i did not visit doctors more often and that i ...
    Aortic Dissection stories
    This is copied and pasted from a narrative I had posted on "Bill Maples Aortic and Brain Aneurysm and Support Group "website. Unfortunately it was taken down after the sites owner's death. He was a survivor himself. There was a section on his site de...
    Aortic Dissection stories
    Hi.  This is my story in a nutshell. I was born in '64.  Uneventful childhood medically, except I had blood in my urine, asthma and allergies. Had hip replacement and in 2006.  Kidneys competely failed in 2007 due to IgA Nephrophy and...
    Aortic Dissection stories
    Strax efter sin 47:e födelsedag började Per Adolfsson att må riktigt dåligt. Han sökte läkarhjälp flera gånger utan att någon förstod vad som var fel. En vecka senare låg han på thorax...
    Aortic Dissection stories
        My name is Lieve Kopp, age 64, living with my husband near Leuven, an old university town in Belgium. When having an AD problem it is useful to be close to a university hospital.On the first of February 2014 I suffered a B aortic diss...

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    Aortic Dissection forum

    Question 105
    Is there a global awareness day for aortic dissection?
    Question 687
    The University of Washington, Department of Surgery, is running a project funded by PCORI in USA. It is engaging Patients with Type B Aortic Dissections as Partners in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. This project now needs...
    Question 697
    Type B aortic dissection (TBAD) is a life-threatening condition that occurs when a tear in the descending thoracic aortic wall occurs creating a second false channel. Patients with TBAD face dramatically different options for ...
    Question 688
    Type B aortic dissection (TBAD) is a life-threatening condition that occurs when a tear in the descending thoracic aortic wall occurs creating a second false channel. Patients with TBAD face dramatically different options for care without strong evid...
    Question 705
    IF you are a pateint, family member, caretaker or physician treating patients with, or at risk for, aortic dissection - please help researchers understand more about how patients with aortic dissections or their physicians or caretakers experience th...

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    Statistics of Aortic Dissection

    48 people with Aortic Dissection have taken the SF36 survey. Mean of Aortic Dissection is 1799 points (50 %). Total score ranges from 0 to 3,600 being 0 the worst and 3,600 the best. Take the SF36 Survey

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