Keeping regular pulmonary visits, taking my annual PFT test, and using my mainteance medicine as directed.
Enjoy the little things in life even though u might not be able to do much
My family
Less Stress
Decompression Surgery with Duraplasty and C1 Laminectomy
My son had an unrelated bone marrow transplant for FA. He passed away in 2004.
The support 24/7 of my mom.
Mi familia
Gel Ice Packs! Love them!
Talking with someone the minute I start to feel upset/depressed.
I use essential oils to alleviate migraines, nausea, and muscle pain.
I use essential oils to alleviate migraines, nausea, and muscle pain.
Decompression surgery
Aprender a conocer mi condicion
Always having a positive can-do attitude, even though it hurts sometimes.
Lots of rest and lying down
having a PCP who would pray for me through my tears, met a lot!!!
Sometimes sleep
Staying on top of my own care
Rainy, groggy weather (surprisingly)
Finding Dr. Trumble, a neurosurgeon
decompression surgery by a chiari specialist!
Arnold chiari
Physical Therapy after Decompression
Pain management
My friends that understand my diagnosises
Decompression surgery March 2016
changing my life style
Being stress free
Getting plenty of rest
Dry needling
Keep smiling
medication and good doctors
My children and dogs keep me going!
Staying outta the heat.
After 2 brain surgeries, my severe headaches/migraines aren’t as frequent. I still have daily headaches but the daily severe headaches/migraines are less frequent.
Finding hobbies that fit my physical abilities.
Pain medication
Ice pack
Improving my mental and emotional health
Essential oils
My husband has been my supporter and my voice