Which are the symptoms of Ataxia?

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Ataxia symptoms

Symptoms of Ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological disorder that affects coordination and balance. It is characterized by a lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements, leading to unsteady gait, clumsiness, and difficulty with fine motor tasks. The symptoms of ataxia can vary depending on the underlying cause and the specific area of the brain or spinal cord that is affected. Here are some common symptoms associated with ataxia:

1. Uncoordinated Movements:

One of the hallmark symptoms of ataxia is the inability to coordinate movements properly. This can manifest as difficulty walking in a straight line, a staggering or unsteady gait, and a tendency to stumble or fall. Individuals with ataxia may also have trouble with tasks that require precise movements, such as writing, buttoning a shirt, or using utensils.

2. Tremors:

Some people with ataxia may experience tremors, which are involuntary rhythmic movements of a body part. These tremors can affect the hands, arms, legs, or even the head. Tremors can worsen with intentional movements and may be more pronounced during periods of stress or fatigue.

3. Slurred Speech:

Ataxia can also affect the muscles involved in speech production, leading to slurred or slow speech. Individuals may have difficulty articulating words clearly, and their speech may sound mumbled or garbled. This can make it challenging for others to understand them.

4. Difficulty Swallowing:

In some cases, ataxia can affect the muscles involved in swallowing, leading to dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). This can result in choking or coughing while eating or drinking, and may increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia.

5. Eye Movement Abnormalities:

Ataxia can impact the control of eye movements, leading to abnormalities such as nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), difficulty tracking moving objects, or problems with depth perception. These visual disturbances can further contribute to coordination difficulties.

6. Fatigue:

Many individuals with ataxia experience excessive fatigue, which can worsen their symptoms. Fatigue can make coordination and balance even more challenging, leading to increased unsteadiness and a higher risk of falls.

7. Sensory Impairments:

Some forms of ataxia can cause sensory impairments, such as loss of proprioception (awareness of body position) or altered sensation in the limbs. These sensory deficits can further disrupt coordination and balance.

8. Muscle Weakness:

Weakness in the muscles, particularly in the limbs, is another common symptom of ataxia. This can contribute to difficulties with movement and coordination.

9. Cognitive and Emotional Changes:

In certain cases, ataxia can be associated with cognitive impairments, including difficulties with memory, attention, and problem-solving. Additionally, individuals may experience emotional changes such as depression, anxiety, or irritability.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate management. Ataxia can have various causes, including genetic disorders, autoimmune conditions, brain injuries, and certain medications, so a thorough evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying cause and guide treatment.

7 answers
Loss of balance,shaking, loss of coordination

Posted Sep 12, 2017 by KJ 700
Lack of mobility, its effect on your walking & speech

Posted Sep 13, 2017 by Brian 1500
Difficulties maintaining balance, slurred speech, muscle atrophy, swallowing difficulties, sleep difficulties, nystagmus, cramping of legs/arms, general malaise..

Posted Dec 2, 2017 by Devin 1500
There are many possible symptoms. Most people have a combination of symptoms and have some symptoms but not others. Dizziness seems to be the most common, with gait/balance difficulty, eye wobbliness (nystagmus), trouble with speech and swallowing, restless leg, tremors, insomnia, and weakness of leg muscles all following as symptoms.

Posted Jun 3, 2018 by rbaculi 400
Translated from portuguese Improve translation
Imbalance, muscle weakness, and dysarthria.

Posted Mar 6, 2017 by Luiz 500
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Imbalance that makes me fall constantly.

Posted Mar 28, 2017 by PAULA 600

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Ataxia stories
I moved to Mexico in Sept. 2014 to start Ataxia Mexico "ATAXMEX AC"  we are located in Tlaltetela Veracruz —Fundador Cory Mathew Hannan — Ataxico Síndrome de Lance Adams — —en 2011, cuando finalmente contraje la neumonía legionaria que me ...
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I started to develop ataxia symptoms when I was 19. It was first diagnosed as hypokaelemia due to low level of potassium in my blood. I was given oral Slow K tablet to increase the potassium level, but it doesn't help much. Even with the medication, ...
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I was diagnosed at eight and a half years old with Scoliosis. At 14 years old I was diagnosed originally with Friedreich's Ataxia, since then that has been ruled out. Doctors now think I have Cerebellar Ataxia, new MRI scheduled this week. I am now ...
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I first noted symptoms when I had a few falls. Also at work people noticed my walking differently. The first neurologist ordered an MRI, but never contacted me with the results and I could not contact him. I had my primary obtain the results which he...
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Had first signs of disease at age of 20. Now I use cruthes for walking. But I am not just alive but feel the strength to help others.

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