Positive Mental Attitude
A great Rheumatologist
Eat natural honey in the morning And some nuts such as pistachios and almonds
El reposo
rok i 10miesiecy brania sterydow zmienilo moje zycie
Hyperbaric therapy
When I discovery I had BD, I searched in the internet. Don't do that! You'll get worried and not understand whats happen to you
Cut out alcohol
Exercise feels me a lot better
Getting out bed every day and getting enough rest
Less Stress..triggers flares
Getting a diagnosis
Avoiding gluten
After three months of severe symptoms in 2013, I was diagnosed.
I am a Poet/Writer/Author
Find at least ONE thing that I am grateful for each day.
Stress Management
Plaquenil has kept my ulcers to a minimum.
On Enbrel injections since 2002
Depo shot to stop menses was amazing no more genital breakouts
Retired from work.
La buena relación con mi madre.
14 anos com Colchicine/ Merticorten
Prednisone injections on blisters
em busca do tratamento ideal para mim...faço uso de colchicina, corticoides, colirios e mais um monte de medicações.
Espirulina en polvo
Naprosyn but can't take now.
Found a recipe combining distilled water with Borax on painful joints. You then rub several drops of 99.99% DMSO over the same areas covered with the dissolved BORAX solution. Full recipe at EARTHCLINIC.COM. I consulted WEBMD and my PCP before using t
Heat. Heat packs on my sore tendons, muscles, and joints are a godsend.
Having trust that I will be ok
Establishing a good medical team and learning about your symptoms and medications-Be Informed
I work full time
A very supportive, loving husband.
my wonderful husband who is always by my side
muscle relax
A brilliant support network of understanding friends.
endone, when in severe pain it eases it to a bearable level.
Having a specialist consultant who can provide good advice
Reduce stress, sometimes by reminding myself that some things really aren't that important.
Pain management, like serious pain management has increased my quality of life by about 70%.
Don't be afraid to ask for help
2 years of Remicade
Avoiding lactose/milk and processed food
Dr. Frank Vasey
Tried immuno globulines infusion IV