Long term experience of flareups
Familie und Freunde, die hinter einem stehen und verstehen.
the docters
I'm dying of the disease so I failed medical intervention
Support znd friendship with others who have fibromyalgia
Support from hospital staff
To accept and not try to control life.
Diphlam spray, lidocaine cream, healthy food - ie greek yoghurt.
Finding support online
OTEZLA...I'm in a study for the effects of Otezla on Behcet's. (it works for me!)
Reduction of stress
eat very rarely meat, sugar, gluten, milk, alcol
Long hot baths to help with the hurtful joint pain
Nurofen plus
Get plenty of sleep
my live bad withe disease
Being honest at doctors appointments and not leave out information no matter how small I think it was
Struggling with multiple conditions
Resting when ever I can
Plexus products help keep my body clean of toxins and is a huge help in keeping the inflammation down. I have more energy and I have mental clarity.
Vitamin D booster injection
Nice strong painkillers
My workplace adapted my office for me to move around easily
Believing God is our hope
Supportive family
getting up, dressed & putting on some make-up..it makes me feel better!
leaving my job
Yoga, painting and crochet have become beloved practices of mine
Having a positive outlook on my life and health
Prof Fortune and her magic mouthwash
My dog
Naps during the day.
Moving to NC from Northwestern PA
Dapsone at 100mg was the only drug that helped me for about 13 years.
Dapsone at 100mg was the only drug that helped me for about 13 years.
Learning to deal with pain without opiates
Volunteer with youth organizations.
If I am active and my diet is good I feel massively better
My children, family my faith keep my fighting EVERYDAY!!!
Rest... Rest and lots of rest