I've done the move myself. It was such a lovely distraction I didn't even know I had pneumonia until the doctors shortly after gave them to me
Observing my girlfriend
Staying Active
Prática esportiva de natação
learning to accept and listen to my body
Salazypirin methatrexate colgout
Eat gluten free, no lactose, do yoga and meditation
Less stress
Avoiding medication wherever possible
Try not to eat gluten
BD friends, groups and community
People who understand, even if they can't imagine the struggle
Educating myself about Behcet's
Since diagnosed in 1990 with Bechet's people believe me when I say I'm exhausted
Rheumatologist who knew what they were doing.
Eliminating toothpaste or other products containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
Always pushing through no matter what
Float therapy
Prednisone as needed
My family has been my biggest support. Without the understanding of my husband, I wouldn't be as well as I am.
Continual follow up with Rheumatology
Finding my Rheumatologist, who is a leading expert on Behcet's, was a Godsend!
Laughter is the best medicine, so I always attempt to keep a smile on everyone's face
Yoga and meditation
Sleep well and eat fruits and vag
Analgesia y fisioterapia
moj maz i dzieci bardzo mnie wspieraj
When I was a kid, I had severe leg hurts and my mom always said to me that was drama
Non-foaming toothpaste
Imuran treatment
Colchicine; Kenalog injections
Pain relief
The correct treatment
My amazing son
My doctors are amazing & work closely together so my symptoms stay under control.
Diagnosed in 2006. I suffer mostly with mouth ulcers and joint paint.
Enbrol dramatically reduced mouth and vaginal ulcers.
Massage helps keep the blood flowing and eases pain.
Yoga and mindfulness calm my head
Supporting family and friends.