Cut out eating in restaurants
Eating healthier.
Mi mamá que está a mi lado
Physical Activity
Great support from friends & husband.
Knowing about aquired anosmia and that I dont have the sense of loss
Keep pottasiun intake up
A gluten-free diet
Thinking positive
Separate areas in kitchen
Play music and jam with friends
los grupos de apoyo
Eating gluten free
La dieta sin gluten y sin lácteos. Paleo.
Contar con un buen médico hace la diferencia
Joining support groups online
Always be prepared with pre made foods/drinks and any meds you may need on hand or near by.
A support person in your that will be there for u threw thick and thin
My supportive husband!!
Ignore rolling eyeballs. It's just ignorance. I bring my own food or just have a drink. People and relationships become center stage instead of food.
I do not eat out
Going on the insulin pump was the best (but most difficult) change I ever made for my diabetes management.
MMJ if it were legal in Louisiana
I am passing college classes now since I found out I have Celiac disease and stopped eating gluten.
Know when to stop
still working on this one! :0)
recognizing and respecting my new limits of physical activities, the need for proper rest, and coming to terms with the fact that even though I am determined to get better, I now have a new norm.
food being clearly labelled so I can make informed choices
Probiotics and vitamins everyday
strict glutenfree diet
Cutting out high purines.
Reading articles around the net about the disease
Ayuda de grupos y Dios q nos da fortaleza
Less agitated and down
I'm less confused
No sugar
Neurological care (as my symptoms are of that variety)
Realizing not everything has to be done today
restaurants and manufacturers of gluten and dairy fee products.
Explaining the diet to those who do not understand it and avoiding cross contamination
Not worrying too much about occasional accidental lapses from the gluten free diet.
Natural foods
I love to cook and experiment new gluten free recipes.
being careful about always having some food on me
Understanding from family and friends
Trazadone so I can sleep.
Self-massage, Qi Gong and meditation do help. Painkillers....not so much...