I believe I have chosen the best options for my health care
My mum pushed for me to be seen at the hospital
having a great consultant
my mum and support of family
YouTube tutorials on make up to draw attention away from my scars helped my confidence and makeup technique.
Options for hearing are improving
Friends, always there to talk to
Surgery in 2007
I have no access to a GP due to NHS shortages so Ive learnt to cope independently
The best ear doctor ever!
My family who has stood behind me these last 3 years while I'm recovering from the roadblocks in my way.
Family support
Mijn vriend steunt mij en is er voor mij
Support from friends and family
Having a supportive husband
Take rest
Keep all follow up appts with my specialist in Dallas!
Good solid research
Good solid research
My mum is my advocate she never gives up
Reactive tinnitus & hyperacusis make it impossible for me to treat anything
Paracetamol to ease the pain.
Amazing doctors
If you suffer chronic ear infections, Ciprofloxacin eardrops is gold dust.
Quit smoking
comfort food lol
Keeping my ear dry. Even when the doctor insists on drops I get an infection.
BAHA helped me to hear in my deaf ear via bone conduction.
Having supportive people in your life!
Don't ignore signs of problems
Do NOT let water get in your ear!!
Lots of walking. Staying fit and healthy helps.
Dryer climate
Support groups
Controlling allergies and colds properly, using Ciprodex upon first signs of infection
keep all Dr visits and have Dr clean ears often
Realizing that my son is strong enough to handle this.
People who respect the fact that I can't hear too well
Faithful yearly exams to catch it in early stages
A doctor who truly cares.
I don't know how it was missed.
The weekend
A diagnosis and a surgery date.
Updating my hearing aide frequently.
Follow doctors instructions for proper healing
getting confidence back
When he surprises me by repeating or questioning something I didn't think he'd hear
Exercising regularly
Tympanoplasty for ear with non cholesteatoma in 2014, preventing one in that ear.