Perimeter shopping (fresh and whole foods opposed to processed) helps avoid trigger foods.
Promethazine, 25mg as needed helps stop my episodes if they occur.
A HOT HOT bath for as long as I can stay in there. Sometimes I fall asleep in there waiting on my meds to kick in. It's quite lovely, just don't put in too much water that you'd drown.
Right combo of meds and dosages
ER meds/fluids
Medicating with medical marijuana
Taking anxiety medication daily to help prevent anxious situations that would often lead to episodes.
Avoiding triggers
When I get my medicine in injectable form I can hold it down
A Thick Foam Yoga Mat to save from Tub ,Shower or Bathroom floor sores to tailbone knees elbow hipps forehead , all around a great fall aid
Adaptive Macrobiotic Diet
Tomar Vonau e buscopan composto logo no início da crise
My boyfriend
My episodes can last a few hours to days.
Having the specialist on board with my daughters treatment
Recently diagnosed
My support from my immediate family.
Fluids, again usually IV
Hot baths multiple times a day help during an episode.
CoQ10 - stopped my attacks altogether.
My Mum and Dad really fought for me
More water
My husband was so terrified he wasn’t handling himself well.
Primperan, Zofran, Dafalgan
Try to keep my stress level down
The mito cocktail which was researched by Dr. Richard Boles
Zofran is my go to to abort an episode if caught in time.
Keep Dr appointments
Unconditional support from friends
Sleeping long hours makes a huge difference!
If I wake up early enough while in the prodrome stage I can often abort episodes with marijuana and heat.
Digize Essential Oil
1 mg Ativan when in an episode (once a day)
Ketogenic diet and avoidance of food triggers
Oil diffuser w/ Peppermint Essential Oil
A dark, quiet room helps so much.
My two sons and husband always makes me feel better.
My amazing mom and step dad and my amazing boyfriend
Using CBD oil to help with nausea between episodes
Mito cocktail
Quit work to pay more attention to my body and triggers
Sea bands
My sister also has CVS, a minor case. My whole family is extremely supportie
My dog lays loyal along side me