No estar en sitios con mucha luz
Disautonomía autoinmune
Getting my dog Pearl
algo de ejericio en las noches para poder dormir mejor
First time recognized with this problem
Practicing good nutrition with increased salt
Vivo sola y es difícil
Mi marido siempre está cuidandome
no caffeine! Sadly I am still struggling with this, as chocolate is one of my favorite treats.
Plague, Medical Medium, Osler's Web
Low dose naltrexone
Writing; whether it is my blog, an email, or memoir. It helps me get things off my chest.
Mio engery added to smart water helps me when I'm tired
Managing Stress
MMJ if it were legal in Louisiana
Making sure to get at least 10 hours of sleep a night
Manejo del estrés
DripDrop: an "oral rehydration solution" (ORS) for dysautonomia
Pain killers!!!
A warmer house
Finding my amazing doctors
a head pillow
This shit sucks. TPN sucks
Support and understanding from my family and friends
Still figuring this one out, but learning my limits and knowing when to push myself and when to slow down and rest.
Understanding my limits & not pushing myself to do more than I can
Carefully managing exertion
avoiding things I know will cause flare ups
Minimizing stress and good medication management.
Ice packs are gold!!!!
Medications have gotten everything under control.
Supportive family
Aprendendo a dizer não - respeite seus limites
Not wallowing too often, having positive attitude really does help
Learning to say "no" and accepting my limitations
acknowledging that no matter what the docs say, i know it's not in my head
adderall and metoprolol
Lorazepam for fight or flight episodes
Absolute determination to never give in and reach all of my goals no matter what...graduating as an RN in May 2016...also dancing for physical therapy...and of course my furbabies
Midodrine 3 veces al día
Cutting out gluten and dairy
Getting enough sleep
Salt, caffeine and drinking lots of fluids