Hola soy Aurora tengo 39 años, algunos conocen mis artículos pero nunca he escrito mi vida. Pues a los 17 años me diagnosticaron epilepsia, mi vida cambio, tuve que dejar la escuela por un año mientras encontraban el mejor...
While I still worked as a ballet dancer and later a ballet teacher (stopped performing at age 35) my dysautonomia symptoms were easily managed, but durubf times when I did not dance they were much more pronounced. At 32 I had a heart attack due...
I've had Hypotension attacks since age 11. I am now 69 and was just diagnosed for Primary Autonomic Failure. I know that my diagnosis is really a term that includes Parkinsons (PD), Multiple Systems Atrophy (MSA), and Pure Autonomic Failu...
I was diagnosed with IST in 2012, was taking calcium blockers to try to control it and I just had to keep increasing them as they kept turning up inaffective. January 2015 I got very sick after taking a vacation. Recovered from that (virus) but never...
Hola! Somos Disautonomía Chile
La misión de Disautonomía Chile es contribuir a la sociedad mejorando la calidad de vida de las personas diagnosticadas, en busca de diagnóstico, cuidadores y familias de personas con Trastornos del Si...
Hola! Somos Disautonomía Chile
La misión de Disautonomía Chile es contribuir a la sociedad mejorando la calidad de vida de las personas diagnosticadas, en busca de diagnóstico, cuidadores y familias de personas con Trastornos del Si...
638 people with Dysautonomia / POTS have taken the SF36 survey. Mean of Dysautonomia / POTS is 1043 points (29 %). Total score ranges from 0 to 3,600 being 0 the worst and 3,600 the best. Take the SF36 Survey