Alimentação correta para minha infermidade
thyroid medication
Good support system
Support system
My dog
Having friends understand what I have to go through
Восполнение дефицитов
Я нашла девушек с такой же проблемой, всегда могу попросить у них совета.
You need to enjoy life at all times and not wait for "then".
Warm baths
physical therapy
Eating healthy
yoga and meditation
My husbands support
Being on a pill called agestin that keeps me from having periods without the side effects of lupron
tomar suplementos de cardo mariano, diente de león, zinc, ácido fólico, evening primrose oil, Vitex Fruit, Wobenzin N
El apoyo de la familia
birth control period free
Living a healthy lifestyle with diet, exercise, and therapy
Tomar una taza te de salvia durante las mañanas y las noche.
Trust yourself
Realising my limits and not push them. Spoon theory.
Use EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique videos for Pain/Not Sleeping etv
Ser muy positiva
Eliminated caffeine
Codeine + toradol made my pain go from 10 to 8 which was better than nothing.
REST when you need it ... you REALLY need it.
Butrans Patch, para el dolor y terapia física en el agua.
Hormone Balancing-PCOS
Hace un año me hicieron una histerectomia total.
Hacerme vegana aún soy vegetariana
My therapy dog
Apoyo familiar
unidad del dolor y fisioterapeuta pelvica
getting enough rest and try to stay away from stress
I wish I never got this disease
My doctor who will try anything to help me
Lap cleaning
The pain meds I'm on
Supportive family members
Yoga.... Relaxation
Changing mind set