I sit in the Sun daily. This helps warm me up because I am always cold and my muscles stiffen up and ache.
Lyrica 75mg morning and night got me out of my scooter & walking stick, I still have heeps of problems
myozyme ERT every 2 weeks
I've had great caring and thoughtful drs and a wonderful hospital nearby
As a parent, remaining positive and accepting. GSD is our way of life.
As a parent, remaining positive and accepting. GSD is our way of life.
Biweekly Enzyme Replacement Therapy - Lumizyme!!!
Cornstarch and protein powder 7 times a day
Prof.David Weinstein and Dr. Ulrike Steuerwald brought me back to life (......and my wife)
Centrum Kids
My fathers fortnightly treatment appears to have slowed progression a little
a large dinner
I have been fighting this disease with very little doctors input until the last 15 years!
Ser cuidada
Bebeklik zamanlarımız çok zordu şimdiye göre.Anne baba olarak acemiydik.Ve O nun bünyesi daha zayıftı
Септилин, дает энергию и помогает бороться с вирусными инфекциями, экстракт артишока помогает снижать АСТ и АЛТ
Loads of protein
I am the Président of AFG
AFG - http://www.glycogenoses.org/ - Glycogen storage Association AFG French group
Eating Healthier. (High protein, low carb, avoid sugar and junk food)
Diet - very low sugar, dairy free, gluten free
My parents full support
Three months on calcium and vit D supplement made her walk
Getting a diagnosis.
Cornflour has changed my life
Proper diet, treatment
My daughters beaming smile
Regelmäßig Sport
Acompanhamento médico Hospital Santa Maria
Controle glicêmico diário
hello to you from Russia
I try and not think of a long range future.
I was doing fathers, I now have a neuro stimulator put into my butt and the wire is on the S5 that controls Bladder & bowel
help and support from family and friends
Enzyme Replacement therapy
Trusting my instincts and that of my children. I don't have a medical degree but I know my children.
Trusting my instincts and that of my children. I don't have a medical degree but I know my children.
My mom advocates for me.
High protein very low carb diet
Protein diet, Ketones, Glycosade, Facebook
My father is very upbeat despite his suffering
a good night's sleep or afternoon nap
I never give up!
Melhora doenças meus filhos